Leica FSC Vergleichsmakroskop mit Brücke

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    inkl. der Artikel: 1 x 11581051 Leica FSC Vergleichsbrücke Makro 1 x 11581099 Smart Move 2 x 11581046 Objektiv PL APO Macro 0,4x/0.014-0.003-/62.0 2 x 11581047 Objektiv M PL APO Macro 1x/0.035-0.006-/62.0 2 x 11581048 Objektiv M PL Apo Macro 2x/0.07-0.01-/62.0 2 x 11581049 Objektiv M PL Apo Macro 4x/0.14-0.13-/ 2 x 11507807 Eyepiece HC Plan x 10x/22 Br.M 2 x 11581063 Cold light illuminator 220V, KL2500 LC 1 x 11581086 Tray for two cold light sources 2 x 10446391 Focusing lens f. light guides up to 5 mm 1 x 11581064 Fibre-optic lightguide (d=4.5 mm) 1 x 11581065 Fibre-optic lightguide (d=9.0 mm) 2 x 11581089 Cold light illumination bar 2 x 11581088 Platform, rotatable w. articulating arm 2 x 11581053 Coaxial light equipment, RL 2 x 11581091 Anti reflection module lambda/ 4filter 2 x 11581055 Large object stage for RL and TL 2 x 11581056 Universal adjustable holder 2 x 11520220 Attachm. for mounting and fixing bullets 2 x 11520221 Spring loaded centering device f. bullets 2 x 11520222 Rubber armored pressure plate f. bullets 1 x 11520686 Pair of spring mounts f. hunt cartr. cases 1 x 11520328 Pair of articulated holder 1 x 11581084 Accessory case - Leica FSC

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