Leica Leica MAP Advanced 2D Surface

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    Leica Map Module - Advanced 2D Surface Texture optional software. In addition to features already included in Leica Map DCM8

    - General Features including: Global management of non-measured points, other file formats of 3D Profilers
    - Generic series studies including: Trend plot of a parameter, Scatter plot between 2 parameters, Histogram of a parameter
    - Studies on Surfaces including: Pseudo-colour Image Operators on Surfaces including: Profile Extraction, Convert into a Series of Profiles
    - Studies on Profiles including: Roughness and Waviness Profile Curves Fractal Analysis Morphological envelopes Frequency Spectrum, Averaged Power pectrum Density 2D (P+R) Parameters, Group B: old parameters, Waviness parameters of groups A and/or B
    - Operators on Profiles including: Filtering, Option Management of end- effects, Morphological Filtering, Filtering by direct Edition of the FFT, Filtering by Threshold of the FFT, Form Removal, Retouch Profile Points, Fill in Non-measured Points, Thresholding, Resampling, Autocorrelation, Intercorrelation, Creation of a series of profiles, Join two Profiles, Subtraction of 2 profiles
    - Studies on Series of Profiles including: Profile curves of the series, Abbott curve, Statistical parameters, Step Height Measurement
    - Studies on Series of Profiles including: Profile curves of the series, Abbott curve, Statistical parameters, Step Height Measurement
    - Operators on Series of Profiles including: Levelling, Zoom, Symmetries, Conversion of a series of profiles into a surface, Add/Suppress profiles to/from a series, Profile extraction, Fill in Non- measured Points, Resampling, Series Resampling, T-Axes edition, Automatic lateral alignment of profiles
    A pre-requisite for this optional module is Leica Map Start This module does not contain the features of the Optional Module - Basic Surface texture Leica Map software is supplied on DVD including optional modules Leica Map and optional modules are licensed by a single USB hardware protection key - not included with optional modules.

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