Leica MAP Contour

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  • Überblick

    Leica Map Module - Contour optional software measures dimensions, radii, diameters, angles on cross-sectional vertical or horizontal profiles. Auto-dimensioning and interactive tools can be used to define nominal form. Specify tolerances and check for form deviations.
    Studies on Series of Profiles including: Profile curves of the series, Abbott curve, Statistical parameters, Step Height Measurement Studies on Series of Profiles including: Profile curves of the series, Abbott curve, Statistical parameters, Step Height Measurement Operators on Series of Profiles including:
    Levelling, Zoom, Symmetries, Conversion of a series of profiles into a surface, Add/Suppress profiles to/from a series, Profile extraction, Fill in Non-measured Points, Resampling, Series Resampling, T-Axes edition, Automatic lateral alignment of profiles Notes:
    A pre-requisite for this optional module is Leica Map Start. This module does not contain the features of the Optional Module - Basic Surface texture Leica Map software is supplied on DVD including optional modules Leica Map and optional modules are licensed by a single USB hardware protection key - not included with optional modules.

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